Threat Modelling

Service Overview

Threat modelling is a fast and efficient method for identifying the key cyber security risks to which your business and your systems are exposed. Depending on the scope of the exercise, the main threats can typically be uncovered during a half day workshop.

At Reveille we undertake threat modelling at both the macro and micro level. The macro level examines the cyber threats that face the business and the modelling exercise encompasses multiple systems and processes. Conversely, a micro level scan applies the same analysis method but shines the spotlight on an individual system or application.

For each level of modelling exercise we use the STRIDE framework. Here, we produce architectural diagrams of the system or systems being modelled. These diagrams identify information flows, integration points, process boundaries, information stores and access points. Once we have our architectural view of the systems and processes being modelled we apply the STRIDE mnemonic as a checklist to reveal potential threats and vulnerabilities:

  • Spoofing
  • Tampering
  • Repudiation
  • Information disclosure
  • Denial of service
  • Elevation of privilege

The output from the threat modelling service is a set of risks that we place on the Risk Management Plan. For each risk we identify suitable security controls to both reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring and to minimise the impact should an attacker exploit the vulnerability. We document all the findings and recommendations arising from the threat modelling workshop, so a record is maintained of a system’s known vulnerabilities and how these are being managed.